Board Certified Massage Therapist - 571106-09 (National Certification Board Advanced Certification)
Licensed Massage Therapist - Virginia - 0019008088
Certified Esalen® Massage Practitioner - 284264
Certified Integrative Reflexologist
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals - 710620

I have strong, yet gentle hands, and my massage can be both therapeutic and relaxing. Because each client is unique, every massage session is intuitively tailored to the client's individual needs, whether it be a light touch / relaxation massage or more focused deeper work.

With over 3,000 hours of Massage training, and 15+ years of practical experience, my certifications include Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Esalen® Massage, Myofascial Release, Medical Massage, Joint Mobilization, Passive Stretching Technique, Neuromuscular Facilitation, Sports Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Integrative Reflexology, and Energetic Healing Modalities.

As a former instructor at the Shenandoah Valley School of Therapeutic Massage, I have a comprehensive understanding of anatomy and physiology (muscular and skeletal structure and function), and I have extensive experience outside of my private practice working in both Chiropractic settings and spa settings.

Prior to getting my certification in Massage Therapy, I worked in the Theatre industry for over 30 years. I began my theatrical career as a dancer in New York City dancing on the great stage at Radio City Music Hall which lead to various Broadway and National Touring Productions (The Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Titanic, The Secret Garden, Tommy, among others.) Between performance gigs, I taught classes at several dance studios in New York City and the surrounding area and worked as a Personal Trainer and taught movement exercise classes at the New York Health and Racquet Club. It is through the physical and emotional demands of my life's work that I learned the value of a regular massage regimen, and where my passion for becoming certified in Massage Therapy began.

I hope to share my passion with you!

Backstage at The Phantom of the Opera
Intuitive Touch Therapeutic Massage, LLC
Leigh Catlett, Licensed Massage Therapist
Call or email me with any questions that you might have about my services or to schedule an appointment.
540-333-2780 / [email protected]
Scuba Diving in Saba
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Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related, and nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Whether you're stressed from work, recovering from an injury, or just need to relax ~ We can work together to create a massage that's right for you.